· quantum computing · 2 min read
AWS' Center for Quantum Networking partners with De Beers' Element Six division to grow artificial diamonds, hoping they can revolutionize computer networks
Amazon.com Inc. is teaming up with a unit of De Beers Group to grow artificial diamonds, betting that custom-made gems could could help revolutionize computer networks. De Beers’s Element Six division will be working on the project with Amazon Web Services’ Center for Quantum Networking, a unit that’s seeking next-generation ways to transmit data securely over longer distances.

Amazon and De Beers are joining forces to grow diamonds for a futuristic purpose: boosting computer networks. The two companies announced a partnership to develop artificial diamonds that could enable quantum networking, a technology that promises to enhance data security and transmission over long distances. Quantum networking relies on the ability of photons, or light particles, to carry quantum information between nodes. Diamonds, which are made of carbon atoms arranged in a lattice structure, have unique properties that make them ideal for this task. For example, diamonds can host defects called nitrogen-vacancy centers, which can emit and store photons without losing their quantum state. By creating custom-made diamonds with these defects, Amazon and De Beers hope to create quantum repeaters, devices that can amplify and relay quantum signals across a network. This could overcome the limitations of current fiber-optic cables, which degrade quantum information after a few hundred kilometers. Quantum networking could have applications in fields such as banking, healthcare, defense, and cloud computing, where data security and speed are paramount.
Key takeaways
- Amazon and De Beers are working on growing artificial diamonds for quantum networking.
- Quantum networking is a technology that uses photons to carry quantum information between nodes.
- Diamonds can host defects that can emit and store photons without losing their quantum state.
- Quantum repeaters made of diamonds could amplify and relay quantum signals over long distances.
- Quantum networking could improve data security and transmission in various sectors.
Read more:
- AWS' Center for Quantum Networking partners with De Beers' Element Six division to grow artificial diamonds, hoping they can revolutionize computer networks
- AWS partners with De Beers to grow artificial diamonds for quantum networking
- Perfect imperfections: how AWS is innovating on diamond materials for quantum communication with Element Six